Abstract Classes or Protocols
When it comes to writing clean, maintainable, and scalable Python code, design matters. As your projects grow, you’ll often find yourself needing to enforce structure, ensure consistency, and promote reusability. This is where Python’s Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) and Protocols come into play—two powerful features that help you design better software.
Abstract classes act as blueprints for other classes, allowing you to define methods that must be implemented by any subclass. They’re typically used for creating a shared foundation while enforcing a specific structure. Protocols, on the other hand, take a more flexible approach. Instead of relying on inheritance, they let you define interfaces based on behavior, making them ideal for duck typing (or structural subtyping) and runtime flexibility.
However, when should you use abstract classes, and when are protocols the better choice? How do these concepts differ, and what problems do they solve? In this blog post, we’ll explore these questions in detail. Through clear explanations and practical examples, you’ll learn how to leverage abstract classes and protocols to write more elegant and maintainable Python code. Whether you’re designing a small script or a large-scale application, these tools will help you take your Python skills to the next level. Let’s dive in!
What are Abstract Base Classes
An abstract class in Python is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own and is designed to be a blueprint for other classes. It allows you to define methods that must be created within any child classes built from the abstract class. Abstract classes are used primarily in situations where a base class is required to define a common interface for a set of derived classes.
- Consistency: Ensures that all subclasses implement certain methods, providing a consistent interface.
- Documentation: Serves as a form of documentation by clearly specifying which methods need to be implemented.
- Design: Helps in designing a robust architecture by defining a template for subclasses.
Pure ABCs (ABC as Interface)
The simplest way to use an ABC is as a pure ABC, for example:
Here we have defined an ABC Animal
with two methods: walk
and speak
. Note that the way to do this is to subclass ABC
and to decorate the methods that must be implemented (i.e. part of the “interface”) with the @abstractmethod
Now we can implement this “interface” to create a Dog
This works as expected. However, if we forget to implement the speak
method, Python will raise an error when we try to instantiate the class:
We can see that we get an error because we haven’t implemented the abstract method speak
. This ensures that all subclasses implement the correct “interface”.
ABCs as a tool for code reuse
Another, and probably more common, use case for ABCs is for code reuse. Below is a slightly more realistic example of a base class for a statistical or Machine Learning regression model
In this example, the Model
class provides a reusable structure for fitting and predicting data, while leaving the implementation of _fit
and _predict
to subclasses.
Dynamic v.s. Static Typing
To better understand protocols, it’s important to first grasp the concept of typing in Python. Python is a dynamically typed language. What does that mean? In Python, type declarations are not required. For example, you can define a function without specifying the types of its arguments or its return type:
Types are handled and checked at runtime. You can call simple_function
with integers, floats, or a mix of both, and the return type will depend on the input:
Compare this to a statically typed language like C, where type declarations are mandatory:
In C, providing any other type would result in a compilation error. For example, the following code would not compile:
This highlights a key benefit of statically typed languages: types are checked at compile time, so you’re less likely to encounter type-related issues at runtime. In Python, however, you might run into type-related errors at runtime, which could have been caught earlier in a statically typed language.
On the flip side, dynamically typed languages like Python offer greater flexibility when it comes to the types they accept. They also eliminate the need for explicit type declarations, which can be a boon for productivity.
Duck Typing
Dynamic typing is often referred to as duck typing, a concept captured by the saying:
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.
In programming terms, this means that if an object behaves like a certain type (i.e., it has the required methods and attributes), it can be treated as that type. Protocols embrace this concept, allowing you to define interfaces based on behavior rather than explicit inheritance.
In this example, both Bird
and Airplane
implement the flay
method, so they can be treated as instances of the Flyer
protocol. This flexibility is one of the key strengths of duck typing and protocols in Python.
So ABCs or Protocols?
In summary, here are the best practices for choosing between ABCs and Protocols:
- When to use abstract classes:
- When you need to share common implementation code.
- When you want to enforce a strict class hierarchy.
- When to use protocols:
- When you care about behavior, not implementation.
- When you want to avoid tight coupling between classes.
- Avoid overusing inheritance; prefer composition where possible.