
Getting Started with Regression Part 3. RLS

Deep Dive into Regression: Recursive Least Squares Explained (Part 3)

Introduction to Recursive Least Squares

Ordinary least squares assumes that all data is available at once, but in practice, this isn’t always the case. Often, measurements are obtained sequentially, and we need to update our estimates as new data comes in. Simply augmenting the data matrix $\mathbf{X}$ each time a new measurement arrives can become computationally expensive, especially when dealing with a large number of measurements. This is where Recursive Least Squares (RLS) comes into play.

RLS allows us to update our estimates efficiently as new measurements are obtained, without having to recompute everything from scratch. Suppose we have an estimate $\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1}$ after $k-1$ measurements and we receive a new measurement $\mathbf{y}_k$. We want to update our estimate $\boldsymbol{\theta}_k$ using the following linear recursive model: \begin{align*} \mathbf{y}_k&=\mathbf{X}_k\boldsymbol{\theta} + \boldsymbol{\eta}_k\\ \boldsymbol{\theta}_k&=\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1} + K_k (\mathbf{y}_k - \mathbf{X}_k\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1}) \end{align*} where $\mathbf{X}_k$ is the observation matrix, $K_k$ is the gain matrix, and $\boldsymbol{\eta}_k$ represents the measurement error. The term $(\mathbf{y}_k - \mathbf{X}_k\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1})$ is the correction term that adjusts our previous estimate using the new data. Also, $\boldsymbol{\eta}_k$ is the measurement error. The new estimate is modified from the previous estimate $\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1}$ with a correction via the gain matrix.

To update the estimate optimally, we need to calculate the gain matrix $K_k$. This involves minimizing the variance of the estimation errors at time $k$. The error at step $k$ can be expressed as:

\begin{align*} \boldsymbol{\epsilon}_k &= \boldsymbol{\theta}-\boldsymbol{\theta}_k \\ &= \boldsymbol{\theta}-\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1} - K_k (\mathbf{y}_k-\mathbf{X}_k\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1})\\ &= \boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k-1}-K_k (\mathbf{X}_k\boldsymbol{\theta}+\boldsymbol{\eta}_k-\mathbf{X}_k\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1})\\ &= \boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k-1}-K_k \mathbf{X}_k(\boldsymbol{\theta}-\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1})-K_k\boldsymbol{\eta}_k\\ &= (I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k-1}-K_k\boldsymbol{\eta}_k, \end{align*}

where $I$ is the $d\times d$ identity matrix. The mean of this error is then

\begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k}] = (I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k-1}]-K_k\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\eta}_{k}] \end{align*}

If $\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\eta}_{k}]=0$ and $\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k-1}]=0$, then $\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k}]=0$. So if the measurement noise has zero mean for all $k$, and the initial estimate of $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ is set equal to its expected value, then $\boldsymbol{\theta}_k=\boldsymbol{\theta}_k, \forall k$. This property tells us that the estimator $\boldsymbol{\theta}_k = \boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1}+K_k (\mathbf{y}_k-\mathbf{X}_k\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1})$ is unbiased. This property holds regardless of the value of the gain vector $K_k$. This means the estimate will be equal to the true value $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ on average.

The key task is to find the optimal $K_k$ by minimizing the trace of the estimation-error covariance matrix $P_k = \mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_k \boldsymbol{\epsilon}_k^T]$. This optimization leads to the following expression for ( K_k ):

\begin{align*} J_k &= \mathbb{E}[\lVert\boldsymbol{\theta}-\boldsymbol{\theta}_k\rVert^2]\\ &= \mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k}^T\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k}]\\ &= \mathbb{E}[tr(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k}\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k}^T)]\\ &= tr(P_k), \end{align*}

where $P_k=\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k}\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k}^T]$ is the estimation-error covariance (i.e., covariance matrix). Note that the third line holds by the trace of a product (i.e., cyclic property) and the expectation in the third line can go into the trace operator by its linearity. Next, we can obtain $P_k$ by

\begin{align*} P_k = \mathbb{E}\bigg[\big((I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k-1}-K_k\boldsymbol{\eta}_k\big)\big((I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k-1}-K_k\boldsymbol{\eta}_k\big)^T\bigg] \end{align*}

By rearranging the above equation with the property that the mean of noise is zero, we can get \begin{align*} P_k = (I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}(I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)^T+K_kR_kK_k^T, \end{align*} where $R_k = \mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\eta}_k\boldsymbol{\eta}_k^T]$ as covariance of $\boldsymbol{\eta}_k$. This equation is the recurrence for the covariance of the least squares estimation error. It is consistent with the intuition that as the measurement noise $R_k$ increases, the uncertainty in our estimate also increases (i.e., $P_k$ increases). Note that $P_k$ should be positive definite since it is a covariance matrix.

Subsequently, let’s compute $K_k$ that minimizes the cost function given by the error equation. We are going to utilize the following property:

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial tr(CA^T)}{\partial A} &= C\\ \frac{\partial tr(ACA^T)}{\partial A} &= AC + AC^T \end{align*}

Then, take a derivative to the objective function:

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial J_k}{\partial K_k} &= \frac{\partial tr(P_k)}{\partial K_k} = \frac{\partial tr}{\partial K_k}\underbrace{(I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}(I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)^T}_{\to ACA^T}+\frac{\partial}{\partial K_k}tr\left(K_k R_k K_k^T\right)\\ &= \frac{\partial tr(ACA^T)}{\partial (I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)}\frac{\partial (I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)}{\partial K_k} +\frac{\partial}{\partial K_k}tr\left(K_k R_k K_k^T\right) \quad \text{by Chain Rule}\\ &= \left((I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}+ (I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}^T\right)(-\mathbf{X}_k^T) + \frac{\partial}{\partial K_k}tr\left(K_k R_k K_k^T\right)\\ &= 2(I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}(-\mathbf{X}_k^T) + \frac{\partial}{\partial K_k}tr\left(K_k R_k K_k^T\right)\quad \text{, since } P_{k-1} \text{ is symmetric.}\\ &= -2(I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T+2K_kR_k \end{align*}

By setting the partial derivative to zero, we get $$K_k = P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T(\mathbf{X}_kP_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T+R_k)^{-1}.$$

Alternative Formulations

Sometimes alternate forms of the equations for $P_k$ and $K_k$ are useful for computational purposes. Let’s first set $\mathbf{X}_kP_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T+R_k = S_k$, then we get

$$K_k = P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^TS_k^{-1}.$$

By putting this into $P_k$, we can obtain

\begin{align*} P_k &= (I-P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^TS_k^{-1} \mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}(I-P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^TS_k^{-1} \mathbf{X}_k)^T+P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^TS_k^{-1} R_k S_k^{-1}\mathbf{X}_kP_{k-1}\\ &\quad \vdots\\ &= P_{k-1}-P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^TS_k^{-1}\mathbf{X}_k^TP_{k-1}\\ &= (I-K_k\mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}. \end{align*}

Note that $P_k$ is symmetric (c.f., $P_k=\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k}\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{k}^T$), since it is a covariance matrix, and so is $S_k$. Then, we take the inverse of both sides of

$$P_{k-1}^{-1} = \bigg(\underbrace{P_{k-1}}_{A}-\underbrace{P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T}_{B}\big(\underbrace{\mathbf{X}_kP_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T}_{D}\big)^{-1}\underbrace{\mathbf{X}_kP_{k-1}}_{C}\bigg)^{-1}.$$

Next, we apply the matrix inversion lemma which is known as Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury matrix identity (or matrix inversion lemma) identity:

$$(A-BD^{-1}C)^{-1} = A^{-1}+A^{-1}B(D-CA^{-1}B)^{-1}CA^{-1}.$$

Then, rewrite $P_k^{-1}$ as follows:

\begin{align*} P_k^{-1} &= P_{k-1}^{-1}+P_{k-1}^{-1}P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T\big((\mathbf{X}_kP_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T+R_k)-\mathbf{X}_kP_{k-1}P_{k-1}^{-1}(P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T)\big)^{-1}\mathbf{X}_kP_{k-1}P_{k-1}^{-1}\\ &= P_{k-1}^{-1}+\mathbf{X}_k^TR_{k}^{-1}\mathbf{X}_k \end{align*}

This yields an alternative expression for the covariance matrix:

\begin{align*} P_k = \big(P_{k-1}^{-1}+\mathbf{X}_k^TR_{k}^{-1}\mathbf{X}_k\big)^{-1} \end{align*}

We can also obtain \begin{align*} K_k = P_{k}\mathbf{X}_k^TR_{k}^{-1} \end{align*}


\begin{align*} P_k &= (I-K_k\mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}\\ P_kP_{k-1}^{-1} &= (I-K_k\mathbf{X}_k)\\ P_kP_k^{-1} &= P_kP_{k-1}^{-1}+P_k\mathbf{X}_k^TR_{k}^{-1}\mathbf{X}_k=I\\ I &= (I-K_k\mathbf{X}_k)+P_k\mathbf{X}_k^TR_{k}^{-1}\mathbf{X}_k\\ K_k &= P_{k}\mathbf{X}_k^TR_{k}^{-1}. \end{align*}

Summary of RLS

To summarize, the RLS algorithm can be updated as follows:

  1. Gain Matrix Update:
    • $K_k = P_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T(\mathbf{X}_kP_{k-1}\mathbf{X}_k^T+R_k)^{-1}$ or
    • $K_k = P_{k}\mathbf{X}_k^TR_{k}^{-1}$
  2. Estimate Update:
    • $\boldsymbol{\theta}_k = \boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1}+K_k (\mathbf{y}_k-\mathbf{X}_k\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1})$
  3. Covariance Matrix Update:
    • $P_k = (I-K_k\mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}$.
    • $P_k = (I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)P_{k-1}(I-K_k \mathbf{X}_k)^T+K_kR_kK_k^T,$

Alternate Derivation of RLS

This chapter will be posted soon. Stay tuned for updates!


  1. Simon Dan, Optimal State Estimation: Kalman, H Infinity, and Nonlinear Approaches, 2006